Parent’s Voice Event (July 2013); Feedback

Dear Parents/CarersPV

Thank you to those who attended our Parent Voice Events in July 2013. 

There were 10 parents in attendance.  Please note that these comments could be the voice of just one parent and therefore not representative. We value all suggestions and opinions.

Here are some of the things that parents feel we do well:

–       Understanding the school curriculum

–      How welcoming is the school

–      Supporting children’s learning and development

–      Out of school hours learning clubs and activities

Here are some of the comments that some parents made and actions that the school is taking.  Please also see our parent notice board for feedback.

Parent Comment School Action
Parents said that they wanted more differentiated homework and that it should be more meaningful. Could homework be interactive, rather than photocopied sheets?  The school is continually reviewing more meaningful ways of carrying out homework.  We are currently working towards greater consistency in our approach. Homework should be differentiated to suit the different needs of the children in the class. It also aims to reinforce concepts which have been recently covered by the teacher.
It was felt by some of the parents that there should be more communication with working parents.  They requested that there should be more notice of events taking place in school. The school has redesigned and updated its website. We now also communicate with parents by text as well as weekly newsletters. Many parents have responded positively to feedback on the design of the website and the increased use of test messages. We strive to continue to improve our communication links with parents.
Why were there places vacant in the school – compared to other schools in the area? The school is delighted that we have recently seen a sharp rise in its pupil intake and the numbers are continuing to rise with more children set to join the school later this half term. We now have more children on role than we have had in several years.
How was it possible that there are two teachers who are not working in class – considering we are a small school? At times in a school’s development, certain teachers are out of class to focus on whole school improvement with the aim to implementing changes and introducing exciting new strategies to move the school towards outstanding.
Some of the parents felt that the newsletters contained too much information.  These parents requested that the information sent out has a more ‘inspirational/personal’ feel. Over the years we have listened to the invaluable comments parents have given us on the newsletter and we are delighted with the positive feedback we have received on our new format.
Could a maths pack be sent home weekly to support what is taught in school? The school is currently looking into suitable online websites where children can access interactive programmes both in school and at home and it is hoped that a virtual learning platform for maths (Mathletics) will be up and running later this term.
Parents said that teachers need to build friendlier relationships with their class parents. Parents have feedback that our coffee mornings could be a really useful way for parents and teachers to meet and chat in a more relaxed environment. These are currently not as well attended as we would like. We agree with one parent’s suggestion that teachers could invite parents in the playground on the day of the coffee morning to join them over the house. The staff really value this opportunity to meet with parents and carers of the children they teach.
A couple of parents were concerned that there are no longer any ‘end of year’ class trips.  They felt that this was an important part of the school year. Over the past year the school has increased the number of trips offered to the children. Each class now goes on at least one trip per half term linking to their topic and to further develop their learning. Both parents and children have identified trips as a highlight of their learning. We aim to continue to provide these wonderful learning opportunities to the children.
Some parents had voiced their concern that there had been a high turnover of teachers in the last couple of years.  Why was this?What can be done to retain teachers? At the end of 2012/2013, one teacher left the school and this year we were delighted to welcome the return of Ms Horne who has been appointed to middle management in literacy. The school is also delighted with the recent appointment of Mr. Jakobsson to middle management as maths co-ordinator and Ms. Omosevwerha to Assistant Head. The school highly values its staff and is always looking for ways to promote and retain its excellent teachers.